Tech for Connectivity
What does it take to design for the Internet of Things? This elective showed the basic principles and made the whole group of students collaborate with eachother. Each group made its own module that did something specific. Our module: send heartbeat data. Together with other modules you had to come up with a new product which would use multiple modules. Resulting in a music player that would recommend and play music regarding your mood and day of time.
Overall this elective showed me knowledge on what it takes for to design for connected products in order to be useful and have added value. It comes to the essence of IoT which can be summarized as: smart, designed for humans, trustworthy, improving quality of life and using the appropriate technology. It showed that connected products are way more complex than I thought on forehand and make you think more in system models. As connected products get more important designers have to focus more on designing user experience regarding the Internet of Things.